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10/10/2024 Meeting Agenda

1 Posts
1 Users
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Posts: 15
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Joined: 1 year ago

Council Meeting Agenda 10/12/2024

  • Roll Call 
    • Dan Snyder
  • Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
    • Trish Doty
  • Offices Reports
    • Andrew Rinier
    • Trish Doty
    • Curtis Lenker
    • Dan Snyder
  • Non-Council Reports
    • Webmaster
      • Jason Baker / Nick Marquette
    • Quartermaster
      • David Doughty
    • Social Media
      • Andrew Rinier
  • Old Business
    • Trading Cards 
      • Dan Snyder
  • New Business
    • No New Business
  • Announcements
    • Bosler Library Con 10/26/2024 
      • Supports a fellow club member’s family. 
      • Come participate!
      • RSVP on the forums.
    • Next Council Meeting 11/9/2024
    • Next Costume Practice 11/16/2024
      • Show us what you’ve got. 
      • Get your fights approved! 
      • Get the costume advice you’ve been looking for!
    • Harrisburg Holiday Parade  11/23/2024
      • Let's get planning!
  • Adjournment

Notice: This is a not-for-profit club that uses our forum for internal communication. If you are a business representative, have a email that appears to be for solicitation, have an unnecessarily complicated user name, or anything else that makes your profile suspect, it will be deleted immediately. If you believe you were unjustly deleted, use the email on the “contact” page and we can discuss your case.