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The Lost Padawan
Jan 13, 2025 1:06 pm
Number of Cast Needed: 3
Roles Required: Jedi Master, Padawan, Sith Lord
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
The Lost Padawan
(Two Jedi enter,and have a training fight and finish pleasantly.)
The sacred bond between master and padawan is the closest that the Jedi Order will allow its knights to come to each other, but what happens when that bond is not enough? When an ambitious padawan decides to seek more power, a shadowy teacher appears; however, the path to power is treacherous and the price of power is steep. How much is our padawan truly willing to pay?
(The master enters, followed by the padawan.)
The sacred bond between master and padawan is the closest in the Jedi Order. But the master has not been mindful, for the padawan has grown bitter.
(Master vs Padawan. Edge, Master.)
#(Master)______ vs (Padawan)________#
(Padawan glares at master.)
(Master sits)
In the absence of the master's guidance, the padawan has gone searching and has received a better offer.
(Padawan leaves stage.)
A disturbance in the Force! The master takes notice of the padawan’s absence and sets off in pursuit. (Master heads off after padawan.)
(Enter Padawan, wandering the Dark stage.)
Where has the padawan gone? In the absence of light, there is only one alternative. (Enter Sith Lord.)
The Dark Side!
The Sith have sensed the padawan's displeasure with the Jedi and offer true power. (Sith does saber play or menacing hand out pose.)
(The padawan is skeptical.)
Can darkness truly be powerful enough to blot out the light? A test is in order. (The padawan ignites their saber.)
The Sith Lord must prove the power of the dark side and the Sith is only too eager. (Sith vs Padawan. Edge, Sith.)
#(Sith Lord)_______ vs (Padawan)_______#
The padawan never truly stood a chance against the power of a Sith Lord. (Padawan comes to knees.)
Wary, and newly respectful, the padawan is ready to accept a new master. (Padawan bows head and offers a saber. Sith victory cackle.)
But wait! The Jedi master appears!
(Enter Jedi.)
The master summons the wayward apprentice;
(Master gives an authoritative gesture.)
But the padawan does not forgive so easily,
(Padawan snubs him.)
And the Sith Lord will not release the newly acquired acolyte.
(Sith stalks in front of Padawan and looks menacing.)
A true battle of the fates is in order to decide the fate of the padawan's soul. (Jedi and Sith square off.)
The battle begins.
(Jedi vs Sith. Sith Lord and Jedi Master come to a standstill and lock in center of stage.)
#(Jedi Master)________ vs (Sith Lord)_______#
The Jedi master and the Sith Lord are at an impasse. Neither can vanquish the other. The Jedi master beseeches the padawan.
(Master looks away from Sith and reaches for Padawan.)
“Come to my aid!”
Torn between two paths, the Padawan hesitates.
The ways of the Sith, however, are not so patient.
(Sith punches Jedi and disarms him.)
Treachery! The Sith takes advantage of the Jedi's distraction. Victory for the Dark Side and, now, a lesson is in order.
(The Sith summons the acolyte.)
“Come, my apprentice. This is your first lesson. Kill the Jedi!”
Crisis for the padawan!
The Jedi master is surprised, but Jedi do not fear death.
(Watching the Padawan sadly, the Master comes to his knees.)
A Jedi trusts the Force. The Master must trust the Apprentice.
(Master lowers head.)
The padawan's saber wavers. The difference is stark between power,
(Sith postures.)
and faith,
(Beat for Master, silently waiting.)
and, suddenly, the padawan makes a choice.
(Padawan fakes beheading Master, but swings at Sith.)
“No!” The Sith Lord snarls.
The master rises, flanked by the padawan, but the Sith will not go quietly. The Jedi will pay for this transgression!
(Sith summons reinforcements.)
(Everyone leaves the stage except two fighters.)
#(Jedi Knight)______ vs (Sith Acolyte)________#
#(Jedi Knight)_______ vs (Sith Acolyte)_______#
#(Sith Master or Acolyte)_______vs (Jedi Knight)_____#
(Sith Lord returns to stage.)
(All Jedi return to stage)
Defeated, the Sith decides discretion is the better part of valor.
(Sith runs away. Master and Padawan pose with other Jedi behind.)
Today belongs to the Jedi and the unbreakable bond between master and padawan. (All come out for bows.) (3 bows off the Jedi Master’s lead. After the 3rd bow, do a forward saber spin down to your right side.)
We are the Central PA Jedi Sith Alliance. Thank you for watching our show.
Our next performance is at (insert time). We look forward to seeing you again.
(If at a large venue/event, say “We are collecting donations for the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank. All profits go to benefit the food bank.”
May the Force be with you.
Written by Jessica Hanwell
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